Follow The Leader

More or less this blog post is going to be a rant. I can’t, for the life of me understand why people feel the need to be followers. Is it too much to ask of someone to take a stand, have an opinion, and be a leader? Maybe I’m a bitter middle-aged man, no that’s not it either because I’ve always felt this way. Then what is it? Why does it seem that more and more people take the easier, less fulfilling route in life? Me personally, I have always been a natural leader, and that’s something that I have always drawn strength and comfort in knowing. Listen, there’s nothing wrong with sticking up for what you believe in and having a voice. It does seem as if certain people would prefer everyone to just fall in line and not have any differing opinions. That’s ok, as long as there’s a power structure in place we are always going to have people who fear others, in particular others who have a voice, others who are not sheep, others we call leaders. So, stop following, it will get you nowhere in life. Start being a leader, stand for something, and the more people you rub the wrong way, the more you know you’re doing the right thing.